Hi there!
my name is Monica Calderaro

I'm a Software Developer, currently working at Thoughtworks Spain.

  • How to survive a coding bootcamp

    if you are considering changing careers or just start learning Software Development in a bootcamp, I collected some good tips to have into consideration.


About me.

I'm Venezuelan-Italian living in Barcelona, Spain.
I've lived in five countries by now (so, yes I love travelling),
I like to read and do yoga on my spare time but I'm a serie and movies fan too.

Back in 2017 I discover my passion for development, I used to be a telecommunications engineer, worked on this area for six years and decide it to change and focus on web development.

Currently I worked at Thoughtworks and I'm actively participating in some groups we have Gender Justice and OutWorks, if you want to know more about it, just ping me.

quick learning